Interpersonal Violence Prevention Resources

A non-negotiable value of the CSU fraternity and sorority community is inclusivity and social justice. Examining the history of fraternities and sororities to uncover gender-based exclusion and rape supportive culture must remain core to our efforts. This value calls fraternity and sorority members to engage in individual and systemic work to address oppression and examine interpersonal violence prevention efforts in the fraternity and sorority context and beyond.

Connections to CLIMB:

  • Fraternities and sororities must engage in the process and goal of change in the fraternal movement and the CSU fraternity and sorority community through integration of diverse perspectives, the elimination of oppression, and the personal investigation of identities and systems of injustice.

Advocacy through the Women & Gender Advocacy Center

  • Women & Gender Advocacy Center -About Advocacy
    • The 24-hour Victim Assistance Team is available to assist survivors of interpersonal violence and their loved ones 24/7/365. Call 970-492-4242 and ask to speak with an advocate. Advocates are also available for drop-ins or scheduled appointments during business hours at 112 Student Services. All information shared with advocates is confidential unless the person is a danger to themselves, someone is in imminent danger, a child currently under 18 has been abused or if the perpetrator is currently in a position of power over minors (even if the survivor is over the age of 18).

Resources for Supporting Survivors

  • WS 495
  • Spring – First Eight Weeks
  • 1 credit
  • This class exists to deepen and enliven the conversation related to interpersonal violence in our society, and most specifically, in fraternity and sorority life. One in four women, one in six men and one in two transgender people, will be the victim of an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime, and research also indicates that rape supportive culture and sexual assault take on unique shapes in the fraternity and sorority context. This includes the reality that sorority women are more likely to experience sexual assault than unaffiliated women. Fraternity and Sorority Members Against Sexual Assault aims to:

    • Dispel myths surrounding rape, sexual assault, and relationship violence
    • Consider how a rape supportive culture is established and unique ways this culture is perpetuated in the fraternity and sorority community
    • Discuss gender socialization, gender specific programs, and healthy relationships, all relating to being a member of a fraternity or sorority
    • Develop a firm understanding of the resources available for survivors of rape, sexual assault, and other forms of interpersonal violence
    • Foster collaboration among members of the fraternity and sorority community concerned with the health and well-being of CSU students and deconstructing rape supportive culture

    As members of fraternities and sororities and chapters collectively engage in reflection and dialogue about interpersonal violence prevention, these questions may assist in a critical examination of chapter history, current context, and future opportunities.

    • Why is it important for our organization to work towards the elimination of rape supportive culture?
    • What are some barriers to addressing the rape supportive culture in our community and our chapter?
    • What are ways we could work collectively as a chapter to address interpersonal violence on campus and in the fraternity/sorority community?
    • What are tangible ways that our organization can combat the perpetuation of oppression and rape supportive culture?
    • What is a commitment that you will make to address and eliminate rape supportive culture?