Fraternity & Sorority Life Ambassadors (FSL Ambassadors) are current members of fraternities and sororities at Colorado State University. These individuals promote general fraternity and sorority membership. They represent the University as well as the fraternity and sorority community to their best potential. FSL Ambassadors give presentations, as well as represent the community at informational fairs, in order to answer questions and provide information to prospective members and their families. FSL Ambassadors also have the opportunity to educate their peers about the mission, vision and non-negotiables values of the FSL Community.

2019-2020 Fraternity & Sorority Life Ambassadors

Collin Binkley - (He/Him/His)

Alpha Sigma Phi

Class of 2020

Natural Resource Tourism Major

Why did you want to be an FSL ambassador?

"I wanted to become an ambassador because my fraternity has had amazing and unexpected positive impacts on my life and personal development, and I want others to realize the potential fraternity & sorority life can have."


Alan Casavantes - (He/Him/His)

Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity, Inc.

Class of 2020

Business Marketing Major

What is your favorite part of the F/S community?

"The fact that there is a home for everyone and all the networking opportunities."


Cody Christofferson -(He/Him/His)

Phi Delta Theta

Class of 2020

Business & Philanthropy Major

How does your fraternal experience tie into your passion?

"It has given me an opportunity to share and develop those passions with like-minded individuals."


Jessica Crace - (She/Her/Hers)

Kappa Alpha Theta

Class of 2020

Human Development & Family Studies Major with a Concentration in Early Childhood Professions

What aspect of C.L.I.M.B most resonates with you?

"Building Coalitions and Connections resonates with me the most because when I joined, I was looking for a community and support and I found it in this community."


Frank Dann - (He/Him/His)

Sigma Phi Epsilon

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Evan Farris - (He/Him/His)

Sigma Nu

Class of 2020

Chemical & Biological Engineering Major

How does your fraternal experience tie into your passion?

"My experience has allowed me to be a stronger leader and allow me to share my voice and experience to others."


Michaela Knollman -(She/Her/Hers)

Zeta Tau Alpha

Class of 2019

Apparel Merchandising Major & Business Administration Minor

What aspect of C.L.I.M.B most resonates with you?

"Lifelong Learning, because I am continuously learning from my peers, friends, family, and my sorority sisters. Even when something does not go as planned it is a learning opportunity."

Benjamin Markworth - (He/Him/His)

Phi Kappa Theta

Class of 2020

Biomedical & Mechanical Engineering Major

What's your favorite part of the F/S community?

"My favorite part of the F/S community is we are all part of a bigger family that cares about one another as well as making CSU a smaller, more welcoming campus. But my favorite part of the large amount of support is when everyone goes to each other’s events where the proceeds go to charitable organizations."

Reece Melton - (He/Him/His)

Alpha Gamma Rho

Class of

Input your text here! The text element is intended for longform copy that could potentially include multiple paragraphs.


Nancy Negrete Contreras - (She/Her/Hers)

Lambda Theta Nu Sorority, Inc.Class of 2021

Chemistry and Spanish Major

Why did you want to be an FSL ambassador?

"I wanted to be an FSL ambassador because I truly believe that this community is a positive experience for students at CSU. It has completely changed my life and has shaped me into who I am today, and I wanted to be able to share and promote this community to current and future rams."

Bree Anne Peters - (She/Her/Hers)

Kappa Alpha Theta

Class of 2020

Criminal Justice Major

What aspect of C.L.I.M.B most resonates with you?

"Inclusivity: social justice resonates the most because my experience has been about meeting people from all different backgrounds and values, and has given me a chance to be who I am with women that support me."


Nayely Raygoza - (She/Her/Hers)

Delta Delta Delta

Class of 2020

Interior Architecture & Design Major, Global Environmental Sustainability and Real Estate Minor

What is your favorite part of the F/S community?

"I love the fact that each organization is unique in their own way which allows current students and perspective students to find an organization that fits their values and interests. I also love that each organization supports local or national charities/organizations that align with their organizations values and purpose."


Stephanie Saenz - (She/Her/Hers)

Alpha Phi Gamma National Sorority, Inc.

Class of 2021

Communication & Interdisciplinary Liberal Arts Major

How does your fraternal experience tie into your passion?

"My experience in FSL has changed the way I act professionally. I have very strong bonds."


Drew Silpasornprdsit - (He/Him/His)

Phi Delta Theta

Class of 2020

Human Development and Family Studies Major

Why did you want to become an FSL ambassador?

"I wanted to become an FSL Ambassador to help teach students, families, and the community about Fraternity and Sorority Life here at CSU and assist prospective members in their transition into exploring involvement opportunities on campus!"


Jun Simmons - (He/Him/His)

Sigma Phi Epsilon

Class of 2020

Business Administration Finance Major

What if your favorite part of the F/S community?

"My favorite part of the F/S community is how closely kit people are amongst each other. Everyone is so welcoming, and it feels like home."


Sierra Simpson - (She/Her/Hers)

Pi Beta Phi

Class of 2020

Ecosystem Science & Sustainability Major

Why did you want to be an FSL ambassador?

"I wanted to be an FSL ambassador so I could share my passion for the community with as many incoming students as possible"


Courtney Styer - (She/Her/Hers)

Zeta Tau Alpha

Class of 2020

Health & Exercise Science Major

What aspect of C.L.I.M.B  most resonates with you?

"Meaning-making & Purpose. I plan to make mistakes through my college adventures, but I also plan to learn and grow from them. These lessons become who I am and give me purpose."

Hope Zupfer - (She/Her/Hers)

Kappa Alpha Theta

Class of 2021

Biomedical Science Major

What's your favorite part of the F/S community?

"My favorite part of the F/S community is the opportunity to continuously improve myself surrounded by so many people who support me in that mission. I feel so fortunate to be surrounded by so many people who have a passion for excellence in all aspects of life."